When TTP Labtech searched for a solution to handle specialist refrigeration units for their Liquid handling technology products they contacted M J Products for a handling solution.
During manufacture of one of their innovative products, TTP labtech needed to install refrigeration skids into electrical control cabinets.
This had been achieved with some success using a conventional scissor lift arrangement. However, the design of a scissor lift prevents it from lowering in close proximity to the floor, preventing it from being used to lower skids into the lowest aperture as shown below.
A scissor table can present the skid to the second level for installation. However, it wont go low enough for the bottom shelf.
M J Products was approached to supply a low profile easy lifter that would give full access to all shelves in the installation cabinet.
The Easylifter, with DuoPump lift technology, allows installation at 65mm from the ground and can quickly collect a refrigeration skid up to 250kg from the assembly bench at up to 1250mm height.
For more information of our range of work positioning, lifting and handling equipment contact info@mjproducts.co.uk